Consciousness evolution

The Dark Night of the Soul 1

Porcelain doll face that is breaking into pieces. Illustrating loosing a sense of self in a spiritual transformation process

What is happening to me?

What happens when I go through the Dark Night of the Soul or ego death? Is it a real thing? Is it something psychological? Does it affect my body? Is it all just a figment of my imagination? Am I really going through a deep, transformative process that will lead me to paths I have never walked before?

The questions can be many. But what is certain is that many people in this time find themselves entering a crisis that feels different from anything they have experienced before.

And in reality, the entire external world is also in a showdown with itself on many different levels. In addition to wars and crises, this is reflected in the fact that the narratives floating around on social media, in authorized newspapers and in state media are becoming increasingly shrill and removed from actual human reality, so to speak. They are increasingly losing their grounding in something deeper and more truly human. It becomes harder and harder to see oneself and one’s own inner reality and sense of truth mirrored in formal society, so to speak.

The outer turmoil is a clear sign that we are in a transition phase on a higher level. Existing social structures are decaying and changing, not just in Denmark, but globally. Many people around the world can feel it within themselves. On a certain level, it makes sense to say that it is the entire collective consciousness that is going through a Dark Night of the Soul, while the new currents are all around us and within us.

But what is essential about these new movements is that it is actually in individuals that the effect of the more powerful energies is fastest and strongest. Large social institutions are rigid and slow to change. They have even more stories to weave in and out of than individuals do. And they have many more people entangled in them as a part of their existing. Their basic narratives cannot change so fast and easily. They are part of even bigger mechanisms in the economic system and affected by the desire for
constant competition and income scaling that are the drivers of businesses. They cannot react and change course as quickly as individuals can.

So in this process of change, it is actually individuals who are most flexible and can more clearly sense that the higher frequencies of the planet’s atomic sphere are taking hold of us and demanding something new from us. Therefore, as individuals, we are more likely to engage directly in the process. And this creates a growing distance between ourselves and the society we live in. We feel alienated.

And at the same time, it means that the future is carried by individuals in the first place. It’s you and your process that steps first into the future.

So while the Dark Night of the Soul  can typically be experienced as a very lonely journey, because the process is first and foremost a storm deep within our own deepest sense of self, at the same time we are by no means alone when we experience these existential crises. It’s a phenomenon that happens on a very collective level, and it will only increase in the time to come.

Narratives are falling apart

When this crisis of change hits us, it often hits at the level of the narratives we use to maintain the idea of our selves, our own life story and our current “I”.

One of the things that typically stands out in the Dark Night of the Soul is that the basic narratives used to constitute our “I” are falling apart. It’s about the way we have worked with our past and our life story, and our internal sub-conscious programing that now forms a foundation of what we perceive as our “self”. And it’s also about the stories we tell ourselves to understand ourselves in relation to other people (family, friends, networks, work) and our place in society.

Porcelain doll face that is breaking into pieces. Illustrating loosing a sense of self in a spiritual transformation process

What you may find is that these stories, or parts of them, aren’t really useful anymore. They don’t feel true. And the first feeling in that process is: “who am I really when it comes down to it”?

Everything you were comfortable with about yourself and things you felt you had achieved in the process of building yourself up can no longer be used and you need something new to put in its place.

There can also be illness involved in the Dark Night of the Soul, as body and mind are closely linked and some need the physical provocation to create change. In the extreme of the Dark Night of the Soul process, you may feel that you are at a point between real life and death, and you may truly feel that you are approaching the moment of death when you experience this ego death.

In reality, there is a close connection between the basic narratives we use to constitute our “self” and neurological processes in the brain, just as there is a connection with many more processes in our physical body in its entirety. In addition, there is also a connection between the core narrative and various archetypes and social thought programs learned through our conditioning throughout childhood and adolescence. What’s important here is that the process of change involves our psyche, our physiological body, and our inner social programming. But also and especially that when we go through the Dark Night of the Soul and come out the other side, the physical body is also changed.

Stay tuned for the continuation of our journey into The Dark Night of the Soul

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