So maybe you feel that you have developed a lot as a person. And yet you find yourself moving into these loops of feeling stuck. And you even sometimes still feel this deep inner pain and loose your sense of meaning in life. And you ask yourself: why is this happening to me again? If self work should lead to feeling full of calm and being able to cope with life, then why do I still feel this way?
Chances are that you could be experiencing the Dark Night of the Soul. In reality this can happen to anybody. No matter if you are used to working with yourself or not. In fact, many times it happens exactly because you are a person, who is already in the middle of a developmental process. And furthermore, the dark night is not necessarily something that only happens once. In fact, it can happen multiple times in a persons’ lifetime. And the thing is, if you are hit by this feeling, it might just be there for a good reason.
But even if you recognize that changes are happening within you, and that they are not always so pleasant, the biggest problem might be that it is so hard to find real help. So as a sensitive empath, once again, you might find yourself dribbling between an old world and the opening of whole new worlds that you can feel, yet not fully live in. And you might also find that you cannot really talk to many people about it.
And not only that, it might also feel that the process is different this time. If it is it is most likely because the planetary energies are stronger than ever. They are of a higher frequency that that means that they force anyone with an open consciousness into taking the next steps in their development.
And not only that: the entire social matrix that we have known all of our lives is truly also falling, changing and transforming. In reality we are all affected. Not every human will feel this at the same time. But if your are sensitive and open you most likely will be feeling that deep transformation is happening.
When your 3D ego is dying
So even if you thought you were aware of your ego, and you felt that you had opened up spiritually, it is still possible to experience new levels of ego death, so to speak. Because nobody is an island, and we are all affected by the programmings of the matrix that we grew up in.
Parts of our ego lies in the inner sub-conscious narratives that have been dominant in society. Many of them come from academia. And it really true that the narratives that our society has delivered on the human being, if we look at it from a perspective of philosophy of science, all build on the non-spiritual “ego” or “self” as an implicit template for the human being.
In neuroscience, to mention but one example, it is often our lower instinct based state, which the Danish spiritual scientist, Martinus, would have called “the animal-state human”, that lies implicit when talking about scientific evidence on aspects of our psyche and our self. A lot is being explained as related more or less directly to neuro chemicals or basic brain functions. Especially when the talk is about stress, which is by the way a still more prevalent condition in Western societies, and thus talked about a lot. And underlying neuroscience are the physical theories of a meaningsless material universe.
So the simple point is that dominant theories on the human psyche and body rest upon a materialist 3D perspective that does not cover other dimensions of consciousness. And we do know that. But we might forget how much we are still programmed into that kind of thinking.
So even if you might experience yourself as spiritually open and sensitive to energies, there is a lot of social and cultural programing that has happened to you as you grew up and which has formed the subconscious layers of your basic self.
It is the dominating material ontologies that sometimes come in the way of true spiritual awakening and results with genuine inner work.
The development that is being pressed forward at inner levels by something such as The Dark Night of the Soul is, in part, Natures’ break-up with the materialist world view and the kind of ego that you worked half a lifetime on building that is happening in you.
Life seems meaningsless
If you are in the middle of this process, it will for sure be painful. You might feel that life becomes deeply meaningless. You might not be able to really feel anything. Rather you are numb, and to be honest, you don’t really know who you are anymore. You cannot really feel enjoyment, and do not see any kind of future ahead of you. It is like being stuck in an endless depression, and your whole world is becoming darker and darker.
The most important thing to focus on in this hard moment in your life is to not try to avoid the process, because it feels painful. Pain is a normal part of life although it can feel unbearable while it is there. Because it can be so all encompassing. You can hardly remember ever being happy. The Dark Night of the Soul has suddenly become all of your reality.
But it is important to remember that it is a temporary condition. At that your pain is actually the soul’s calling for your true self. It is a deeply loving reminder that there is so much more to unfold and so much more to be lived. And that all that lies outside of your current comfort zone.
So, in fact, you have to change your life and open up to a bigger reality in order to live it.
The calling of the swan
It is like the egg shell that cracks and out comes the fully developed chicken. Or, since I am writing from Denmark, we might say cygnet. It is a sign that you are on your way to become a full blown swan, without the false tones that used to penetrate your being because there have been inverted tones of half truths in our social matrix throughout our lifetime. It is now time that we align with our genuine truth frequency.
This is why it is so important to learn the art of being present even while you are experiencing pain. And to never try to sedate yourself because of the pain involved in the process. It is central to understand that the pain serves an important function. You could even say, to some extend that that pain is a healthy kind of pain. Because it is there to bring you to the next step in your being. And it is there to lead to you the next level of self-mastering tools that you can learn how to use, while becoming more and more aligned with your soul embodiment process and your genuine life mission.
And if you choose to sedate yourself in order to hide from this pain, and to see it as just another symptom that must be suppressed, and only try to treat the superficial symptom, then you will miss out of the gains from going through such a process. Then you will miss your inner Swan seeing broad daylight and its potential for making a beautiful impact on the world around you.
And, nevertheless, most likely it will be so that even if you choose to overhear this calling of your soul, you will not be able to fully ignore it. Because it will not truly go away just because your day conscious self looks the other way.
In fact, it will lie still there and sing its silent painful tunes as a sub-conscious symphony, and this calling that you are trying to overhear, will keep on showing up as inner pain, deep frustrations and psychological and physical suffering until you listen.
The swan song indeed wants to let its tunes float into the landscape of your inner and outer world. It wants to do its healing work on you, and as you are healing, so will your surroundings, and it will echo deeply into the past and the future that lies within the everlasting Now. Because this swan has a life of it own life so to speak. So fly with it. And seek help and assistance by a competent person along the way.
If you like this article, sign up for my newsletter for more articles of this kind. They are written in direct accordance and attunement into the current energetic shifts.
And if you feel like you are moving through such a process with a knowledgeable helping hand on your side, take a look at consciousness coaching. Because it is specifically developed for these very times.
Love from