Consciousness evolution

Re-integration of the higher feminine

Woman on a stone in a creek in a mountain landscape. Metaphoric for the higher feminine.

It’s time to talk straight out. Personally, I have experienced that this was not an option in the contexts in which I have moved at a professional level, both nationally and internationally. But times and energies are changing. We must be able to talk about the fact that we are spiritual beings, regardless of our educational and knowledge background. Because that’s who we are. Where we are on the journey is individual and what our deepest worldview looks like is also individual so far. But what we have in common is that a veil has been placed over our natural spirituality in the whole society throughout our lifetime – whether we are young or we are old.

Part of the rebuilding of society, and not least the path towards balance between technology and humans, goes through balancing the masculine and the feminine. But actually not just this. It goes through an awareness of some higher aspects of being masculine and being feminine. It is those higher energies that have feminine qualities that we humans need to integrate into ourselves.

And as we know, we are all actually co-creators of the world we live in, both consciously and/or unconsciously. It depends on our awareness and level of inner activation, however, how conscious we are when we create. A broad change of the society we live in requires a broad activation, a so-called “critical mass” of people who have been activated in their bodily light information (Chistos-Sophia: in short, integration of masculine and feminine under solar logos with the heart chakra in the center) to such an extend that they can sense and understand much more. And they become ready to distinguish between light and dark, and different combinations thereof on new levels. Or at least that they open up to learning discernment at these more subtle levels. And from here that they become ready to create something else around themselves.

And here we must remember that our ego cannot guide us on the inner path. Neither can our intellect. We must accept the intellect as a humble servant of the higher intuition. This means that we must work on making ourselves open to higher impulses that give rise to action and development. It all starts within, and depending on where we are in our process, something corresponding to this propagates in the networks we attract around us. Everyone in the network helps carry the energy. Because as we know, on a certain level like attracts like.

Also, it makes sense, for many people, to look at the mirror effects of the network. Other people can mirror to us what we most need to work on. However, it sometimes requires some guidance, because the way the outside world reflects us also changes as we go through deep and mind altering developments. Although others can mirror our trauma and unconscious challenges, the mirror process is never just about trauma. In reality, it can be so much more than that.

The new crystallized networks that are taking shape just as we are talking here, and the awakening of consciousness that constitutes a prerequisite for them, are in full swing everywhere in the country and actually, all over the world.

And as I see it, there is reason to be optimistic.

Revisiting the feminine

But some of the things that have been least recognized in both men and women are the higher feminine qualities. Not least because they are extremely subtle. And because the norm in our society is still patriarchal and is about external action and results, and not so much the in-depth internal action and growth. On this level, the two poles are not balanced against each other in society, and often not in people either.

This means that many women of influence have taken on masculine characteristics and that the balance between the masculine and the feminine has been skewed, and still is. Men are anxious to recognize the higher feminine in themselves, and women are also afraid to feel it and recognize the more subtle parts of the feminine in themselves. Because there has been a masculine dominance, and typically no appreciation of such energies. And generally social institutions are based on the masculine dominance and energy, even if still more women are participating and gaining more influence.

The development of artificial intelligence is clearly also an expression of an oversized masculine dominance, broadly speaking. We will probably have to call this form of masculine energy “the negative masculine” in order to create an understanding that corresponds to the situation here and now. When something is oversized, it typically loses part of its constructive effect. And if we continue along such a crooked path, as we are doing right now, where both science and technological development are very one-sidedly masculine, and do not to a large extent integrate considerations that are more empathetic, deep, sensuous and, on the whole, humane, then the development that is underway could be highly negative for humans. Many, who are practically involved in technology development (engineers, business people, have generally not integrated the higher feminine qualities to a very high extent, and thus this aspect of human living is far from always included in the considerations. Development is based on masculine qualities such as “faster”, “better”, “more productive”, “higher bottom lines” and technology for technology’s sake. I understand that technology can be extremely fascinating. It is amazing what can be accomplished and developed new technologies. But this development must not stand alone, especially when the technology is so crucial to our social structure and our everyday lives. As we all know, we are influenced by the digital technologies far into the intimacy of our everyday life, thinking and existence, so we have to think about being human much more deeply.

But what is the higher feminine?

The feminine is the wisdom. It is the wisdom that has been lost in our culture, but must be resurrected in new forms. It is the wisdom, the living thought, which belongs to all of us as human beings. It is the wisdom that has been buried, but must be unearthed, honed and reactivated in all of us – men and women. And what stands in the way of re-integrating wisdom, also called “Sophia” into society and people?

Right now, the most difficult contradiction to work up against on a societal level is actually our “belief” in natural science and its dominance over the most central remnants of human science on our cultural minds, so to speak. And we are all, to a greater or lesser degree, marked by it. Because on an abstract level, this division is embedded in the language very broadly in the way we speak and think in society. I call the exchanges that are most widespread in culture “language games” (with Wittgenstein & Søren Brier in the background). And remember: language is a medium of consciousness.

The feminine energy is creative, it binds fragments together in meaningful contexts. It is intuitive, highly sentient and present, and can be present into both micro and macrocosmic states. The feminine energy is magnetically attractive, which is why it is also so creative and holds huge manifesting potential. The feminine goes deep, it penetrates into matter and out of matter and into the inner planes, which can be infinite, so to speak. Therefore, during alchemical sex, a woman’s vagina and womb can be like the “black hole” that leads the consciousness of both partners further into other worlds and galaxies. Therefore, feminine sexuality has been suppressed and the awareness of what it really entails has been eradicated from the minds of most people on a broad cultural level.

It is through this opening of portals to the higher feminine that development can take place if one is vigilant in relation to how one works with the inner planes and what one attracts, what one chooses to relate to and how to do it.

It is not tangible. It goes deep, it is extremely sensitive (only more sensitive as you open up more. It is feeling, but not in the classic drama triangle way or primarily controlled by the brain’s center for basic emotions, the amygdala. It is through the higher feminine presence in ourselves, that we open up the fine-sensing and access to other worlds.

Over time in this evolution we will all become clear-sighted and clear-thinking because that is what our body can do, that is what we need to reactivate within ourselves. And only here, when we open up to energy awareness, can we seriously face the violent development within digital and artificial intelligence.

What is a feminine science?

A scientific and cognitive way, which integrates the feminine to a greater extent, looks a little different from the masculine that most people know today. The masculine is the one we are schooled in. So be patient. We just have to learn it all again.

The primal scientific form that integrates the feminine and Sophia is about language, context and meaning. And if we bring spiritual science and energy awareness and the ability to heal into the picture, it is about putting the right energy into the language so that it becomes life-giving again. So it activates and manifests. So it becomes organic.

And that is the work I stand for.

Sophia is a higher feminine energy and it is about the love of knowledge as something completely elemental. This is because there is a completely natural drive in humans to develop and understand more of the world we live in. Here it is about development and understanding and about creating meaning in what we are in. We all use it together as people. Also those who think there is no point. And also those who believe that we must completely get out of meaning and identification with a self here on earth through the Buddhist no-thing state and non-dual consciousness.

At some point we have to embody some of all our ideas instead of floating around in the philosophies of and the pure experiences of them. There is, for example, a difference between knowing theories about the Buddha, and then having an embodied experience of the Buddhist state, so to speak. In the latter case, that experience is integrated on a body level, and one can move on in life from here and integrate new states.

This is also the case with Christos-Sophia (Lisa Renee’s expression) and with the higher feminine energies in general. And if you know this from the New Age, which I see as a light-inflated path that leaves people in a false happiness stagnation rather than development, then we need to get much more down to earth here, and see it as universal cosmic qualities, and understand that yes , the universe is far greater than ourselves, even though we all contain seeds of God’s power. And in our bodily experience there is constant development, which is possible by expanding our body’s capabilities.

But, and this is absolutely essential: not in the sense that we should strive for it. More understood that we must open ourselves to a higher impulse which causes it in us. Which makes it happen in us. It is the “surrender”, and it can only happen if the impulse is pure and constructive for both the “little self” and the “whole”. Therefore, we must learn to discern, also on energetic levels.

So must we all be scientific?

Not necessarily. But we need a language for grounded spirituality. Not least when we have to build bridges between what has been separated in society (and thus often also in ourselves). And wisdom lives in all of us if we allow it. No matter what formal education we may have, or what work we have on earth, gathering wisdom is part of being originally human, so to speak. And it must not be an underground activity, something we should be ashamed of, or something that has no place in business or in our professional work. Philosophy and wisdom must be re-established as something natural  and absolutely humanly necessary. It has to be reintegrated, seen and rewarded in workplaces, in science, in people.

In a time of excessive technological development, we must rediscover ourselves as human beings.


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