I have been a seeker of knowledge for as long as I can remember. And since I was in the beginning of my 30’ies I have worked consciously on activating my inner knowledge from cells, aura and my energetic structure. And I have integrated higher energies through a range of different natural processes. It hasn’t been easy, because it was in opposition to everything that I could find in the established society. And I have been fighting many difficult feelings of unworthiness and lack of understanding throughout all these years. Because it might be that have been intelligent and had loads of knowledge on multiple levels. But no matter these qualities, I have felt unworthy, because I was practically never mirrored in the right kind of way. What was mirrored was more like narratives in other people’s minds that served them, but wasn’t very resonant with my true inner reality. Although I am aware that this is a condition for most people, the distance in my case was huge. I also know how difficult it can be to actualize oneself, when you live in a society that actually does not to a high extend mirror the deepest, most human and truest parts that you carry inside. And I know that there are multiple people who, like I, carry loads of unrealized potential, but experience huge internal and external barriers that hinder their expression. And we are not talking only childhood trauma, family line trauma, or self worth issues. When you have activated a lot of your spiritual potential, in many ways it can become harder to integrate and to give your true expression. This has actually been just the fact of living as a pure dissonance to the deepest world views inherent in a de-spiritualized overall materialist society.
Professional background
My professional background goes from an education and career as a pedagogue of music & movement with lots of personal development to Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of Copenhagen. This is also the period where I experienced huge openings and cosmic awareness, and I wrote two spiritual science books (in my native language). Through studies and activities with energy healing and my clair sensory abilities I gained insights in still more sides of what it can mean to be human. But that is not well articulated in society. None the I gained insight and experience about energetic information, energetic structures and collective energetics. I have, since then, made many deep studies into spiritual sciences of different kinds.
After my university studies I started in an international PhD program called The Planetary Collegium, which represented an international environment across institutional and national borders. Here I gained the opportunity to research multiple questions concerning our common narratives about human consciousness. In my own research I had connected my studies to a framework of cutting edge science and technology. Because it is not possible to understand human consciousness today, without understanding how new technologies affect human perception and cognition, and therefore also our self images and our world views. My study was also an examination of the level at which my own natural insights could be mirrored within a broad range of existing academia.
Sinde my Phd studies I was teaching philosophy of science for seven years at Copenhagen Business School on four different educations.
Most recently I have added nutritional therapy into my educational background. That is because I know how supporting your body with the right kinds of nutrients are essential for your consciousness evolution path.
Consciousness work as my Life Mission
I live and breathe for consciousness work, and I want to support people in their processes of growth, becoming whole and transition into the new time that lies as a potential right in front of our feet. What stops us right now are mostly barriers within ourselves. Therefore inner work needs to be in focus. It is only through inner work that we can come out on the other side and can establish ourselves as sovereign and empowered genuinely spiritual & grounded people. In order to move into what is a constructive path for us, we need to finish with what is un-construtive and old within ourselves.
I have a burning passion to assist you on your journey, and to see you flourish in a new and extended variation of yourself, aligned with your higher destiny. Thereby I know that I am simultaneously supporting the formation of a new timeline and a whole new way of existing for all of us.
My passion throughout my life has been to support the evolution and actualization of our most healthy and creative potentials as human beings. I know that we can have access to a natural inner love and balance, if we learn to open up. I know that we can open ourselves to higher creative impulses. And this is what the times that we are living in are calling for.
Kathrine Elizabeth Anker
Insight into human consciousness has been little and often unspoken of in the material societies that most of us have grown up in. We need to change that. As human beings we must know ourselves. None the least in a time where artificial intelligence is being developed at exponential rates, and is questioned for its abilities to supersede human intelligence. In this race, we need more than ever to rediscover our deepest humanity.
Kathrine Elizabeth Anker